Within Hillsborough Parish Church, we do not major on money, fund raising schemes and nor do we have a cash collection during our Sunday gatherings. However, we are convinced that it is the privilege of God’s people - who know and enjoy His love and acceptance - to donate towards God’s ministry and mission.
If we have genuinely experienced the reality and generosity of God’s forgiveness, then our hearts should be moved to donate in a generous way.
Furthermore, we believe that willingly exercising a generous spirit frees us from greed and materialism and any enslavement to money.
As a Church we believe a generous spirit reflects God’s love and so as a church leadership, our Select Vestry has agreed that we tithe on all income received by the Church. These donations given by our Church are used to help fund mission partners working overseas as well as other Christian groups serving within Northern Ireland among the socially marginalised.
Share our vision?
If you share our vision to practice generosity as an expression of God’s love and as a means of growing in your relationship with Him, then please donate to our mission by clicking the button below.